LINKS Here are my "online" bookmarks that I update when I can. Fair warning, no?
Main Links Page
Listing of all links categories on image map
Museums and artists and related links.
All to do with jobs, careers, companies, etc.
Virtual cards and gifts you can send to fellow netizens.
My computer/web related links. I recommend Anne's pages (see tributes) over these, however.
Family & Health
To do with home life, health and medicine, kids, consumer stuff, etc.
Food & Drink
Good stuff (recipes too!) to eat and drink.
Fun Stuff
diversions, cartoons, comics, crafts, games, etc.
General Education
On line stuff but mostly costing $ and/or degree programs.
All kinds of Federal and NYS governmental links. Includes law (state and Supreme Court)
History and current events links.
Hubby Dreams
Stuff my husband would own if he had, oh, say a zillion spare dollars.
Foreign Languages
On line tutors. Chinese links the best. Not much above beginning levels.
Literature & Writing
Literature on the web, journals, zines, and writing tools (dictionaries, style guides, etc.)
TV, newspapers, ezines, magazine web sites, web resources, radio, etc.
Money & Finances
Stocks, currency rates, advice, etc.
home pages of friends on the net
Science Stuff
links to any science topics - astronomy, biology, brain, etc.
Travel & Places
Travel resources (guides, agencies, language translations to get by with) and information about interesting places and attractions around the world.
This was a study group from a course at Virtual U. This is our "homework".